Oh My Effing Godd, Blogger has really been making me lose my temper here! I don't know what's wrong or whether or not you're having the same problem as me but blogger hasn't been working properly for me since yesterday, it's really making me hard to write posts or update my two blogs, dammit! It's been on and off - mostly off! I thought it was a bad internet connection but apparently it's not a problem for me to open other websites, only blogger that won't open and works for me, I swear I'm about to lose my patience here. It took me more than a half day just to make one post because it would be okay in 15 minutes and then it's off and error for another 15 minutes, it's sickening.
Sorry for the cursing, I just had to get it out of my head before I went crazy. Okay, I won't drag you down with my negativity here so let's just continue..
Anyway, some of you lovely readers sent me emails asking me to post about my daily outfits more. Well, I realize that lately I haven't make that kind of posts for a while, although I do post my daily outfits sometimes in this blog but I try to balance things with posting about other views on fashion and squeeze some giveaways to pamper you lovely readers.
I actually posted my daily wear in chictopia and weardrobe but since I've been receiving requests to post my daily outfits here so I guess I'm giving in. To satisfy your curiosity on what I wear everyday I will start with what I wore the last few days:

Purple/Black Dress: Tigerlily Store
Zebra Shoes: Poins
Necklace: Sponsored by A Little Bit of Pretty at Etsy
I wore this to go out searching for a new grill+microwave for my mother-in-law. This is the first time I wore this new pretty necklace. I love this purple and silver gemstone necklace that I got from A Little Bit of Pretty, a cute little store I found on etsy. I love the length, it's perfect. I love my zebra shoes too ^__^ It's cheap but yet it looks more expensive than the original price.
Multi-coloured dress: Vintage
Blue cardigan: a gift, part of a twinset
Brown croc belt: NEW, bought at TC
Mustard wedge sandals: Vincci
Blue earrings: old collection
I wore this to the Nokia centre. My Nokia phone broke down one day and it won't come alive so I had to bring it to the Service Centre so the Nokia doctors could bring it to life ^o^

Brown off-shoulder top: Melawai
Black pumps: Ananas
Shoulder Bag: Mango
Peacock earrings: found it on mom's jewelry box
Charm Bracelet: Sponsored by Charm Factory
Black tanktop
Black skinny jeans
The day I wore this I was supposed to go to the Fashion Week but I was running very late and then got stuck in a traffic jam that made me totally late for the show so I just end up window-shopping and eating sweet pancakes instead. I always wanted to have a charm bracelet and believe it or not, this is my FIRST charm bracelet, it has eight charms that I chose myself that I think represents myself quite well.
Okay, that's it for now. I planned to upload a few more outfit photos but as I told you blogger is playing rough on me right now so I had to stop here. I will try to upload more daily outfits in the future. Do you notice some of the items I wore were sponsored? You can sponsor my outfit too which I will incorporate in my daily outfits and post it in the blog as well as in weardrobe and chictopia, to name a few..with links to you, of course. Just email me for details: yuri.kristi at gmail dotcom
Sorry for the cursing, I just had to get it out of my head before I went crazy. Okay, I won't drag you down with my negativity here so let's just continue..
Anyway, some of you lovely readers sent me emails asking me to post about my daily outfits more. Well, I realize that lately I haven't make that kind of posts for a while, although I do post my daily outfits sometimes in this blog but I try to balance things with posting about other views on fashion and squeeze some giveaways to pamper you lovely readers.
I actually posted my daily wear in chictopia and weardrobe but since I've been receiving requests to post my daily outfits here so I guess I'm giving in. To satisfy your curiosity on what I wear everyday I will start with what I wore the last few days:

Purple/Black Dress: Tigerlily Store
Zebra Shoes: Poins
Necklace: Sponsored by A Little Bit of Pretty at Etsy
I wore this to go out searching for a new grill+microwave for my mother-in-law. This is the first time I wore this new pretty necklace. I love this purple and silver gemstone necklace that I got from A Little Bit of Pretty, a cute little store I found on etsy. I love the length, it's perfect. I love my zebra shoes too ^__^ It's cheap but yet it looks more expensive than the original price.
Multi-coloured dress: Vintage
Blue cardigan: a gift, part of a twinset
Brown croc belt: NEW, bought at TC
Mustard wedge sandals: Vincci
Blue earrings: old collection
I wore this to the Nokia centre. My Nokia phone broke down one day and it won't come alive so I had to bring it to the Service Centre so the Nokia doctors could bring it to life ^o^

Brown off-shoulder top: Melawai
Black pumps: Ananas
Shoulder Bag: Mango
Peacock earrings: found it on mom's jewelry box
Charm Bracelet: Sponsored by Charm Factory
Black tanktop
Black skinny jeans
The day I wore this I was supposed to go to the Fashion Week but I was running very late and then got stuck in a traffic jam that made me totally late for the show so I just end up window-shopping and eating sweet pancakes instead. I always wanted to have a charm bracelet and believe it or not, this is my FIRST charm bracelet, it has eight charms that I chose myself that I think represents myself quite well.
Okay, that's it for now. I planned to upload a few more outfit photos but as I told you blogger is playing rough on me right now so I had to stop here. I will try to upload more daily outfits in the future. Do you notice some of the items I wore were sponsored? You can sponsor my outfit too which I will incorporate in my daily outfits and post it in the blog as well as in weardrobe and chictopia, to name a few..with links to you, of course. Just email me for details: yuri.kristi at gmail dotcom