Shopping Hauls
6:38:00 PMWarning: this is a long post...
This is like a combination of a previously-scheduled-but-never-published-anyway post and a very late back log post. I promised to make a regular post about new things in my wardrobe but failed to do it on time of purchase ( really sorry for that, i promise i will do better next time i shop ;p ).
So to get to the point, this post is about the new things in my wardrobe that i bought since late of September (around 2 months ago) up until yesterday (early November):
You remember the mini bag that i found inside a new bag that I recently bought that I put in my BBCA styling challenge a while ago? well that bag is one of my September purchases. I didn't know that the bag I bought also has an extra mini bag inside it so that's a Plus! ^__^
and the cute baby bag:
I bought it during the Lebaran sale but it was not deeply discounted, it's from Noche, I got it around IDR 300k. I'm always drawn to quilted bags especially if it has chains on it too so I naturally grabbed this one from all of other bags that was on display at Citos Matahari dept store.Another purchase that I got for Lebaran is this sheer tunic in terracota (or is it maroon??) from LyLa, also from Citos Matahari dept store. I got this one for ... ?? oh shoot, i forgot! But it was on sale too. And it's pretty. And i love how it falls nicely on me, i thought my petite figure would get swallowed up by the long tunic but it actually doesn't! The secret is to wear a slimming pants like legging or jeggings so the extra fabric on your top won't overwhelmed you.
I also bought two Revlon lipsticks since I was in need of a new lipstick, and I mean desperately need one. I saw a Revlon ad in a magazine with Halle Berry in it wearing Super Lustrous in Almost Nude. I've been wanting a perfect nude lipstick for so long but never got the right shade because most of nude lipsticks i've tried were all too fade and make me look like I'm not wearing any color at all, so thinking that Halle has a somewhat similar natural lip color like mine I went to Revlon counter and look for the exact lipstick. And when i tried it on, surprisingly it looks good on my lip and my skin color, it's not too fade and I do look like I'm wearing something on my lips :))
So now the search for the ultimate nude lipstick is over, Revlon SuperLustrous in no 117 - Almost Nude is the winner! :D
I also was looking for a pink lipstick and the counter lady suggest this Revlon Renewist series in Heart Warming. I tried it on and I love the result it shows. So I bought this one too. My lip is not naturally pink, it's darker due to a long time of smoking habit (thank God I stop smoking now) so it's a bit hard finding nude or pink lipstick that would look good on the lips cos sometimes the color didn't even show in my lip due to the dark pigment color it already has. So this finding is another success for me. These two lipsticks are sure to be my forever make up staples ^__^
Next, I got this brown lace shawl from my aunt, I saw her wearing it one day and I commented on how pretty it is (i love everything lace fyi) and the next thing I know, she bought it for me the next month! It's a very pleasant surprise.
So yeah, you could do what i did if you have a very nice aunt. Just tell her something you like and next thing you know she would give it to you or buy you a new one ;p
On September I also got a new jegging (pictured above on the kaftan pic), two new Batik tops courtesy of ROXY and two new Kebaya and a Batik skirt which were some kind of family uniform for my brother in law's wedding (will upload pics soon).
Now on to October's purchases, I got another wedding family outfit, this time for my cousin's wedding. It's a pink sheer kaftan that can be tied in different places to create different styles, it's so pretty and i love the pink color! The bottom outfit is a 3D-like green/pink fabric that we wore as a wrapped skirt.
I know I said 3D, that's because the fabric can actually change color when you tilt or move it around, the sun or lights from the lamp will make it look like it has 2 colors, do you know what i'm talkin about? I'll upload pic as soon as i get it from the laundry.
I also got this pretty looking summer sandals which I told you before in my previous posts. This is from Shoelicious, I got it from Pondok Indah Mall for IDR 125k if I'm not mistaken.
I love the pink and the polka dot motif! I also love the style! I never own a tied-around shoes/sandals like this before and I love how I can play with this one. I can tied it on the ankle with the knot in front like this:
or make the knot in the side like this:
and i can make the wrap a bit high so it wrap my calf like a high gladiator style and tied it in the back, it's like a girly gladiator ^o^And these are my accessory hauls..

I found (well actually my mom and cousin who went shopping together) found this little nook that sell beautiful jewelries and accessories (some of them are authentic Indian jewelries) on the 4th floor of a fabric store called De Moda in Fatmawati. We always come to De Moda to buy fabrics but never realized that they have a jewelry corner!! So I went there and found a stacks after stacks of beautiful affordable jewelries, I absolutely love that jewelry corner! I must come there again to stock up on my jewelries :D
I bought a wooden necklace, a sparkly flower ring and a gold colored stacked bangles. I love indian stacked bangles, so far i have the dark silver one, red one, and now the gold one :)) And i plan to collect them in many colors :)
This flower ring is so 'bling-bling' it's perfect for a party, people might think it's an expensive piece of jewelry while the hidden truth is it actually cost IDR 25k (around $2.5) ;P
I bought the wooden necklace because I haven't own a brown necklace yet and I love the tiered style of it and although it can't be adjusted but the length is perfect. This one is IDR 40k (if i'm not mistaken, or ist IDR 35k ??)
And now, move on to November. Well, today is only November 6th but I already shop around (*not good!). Well, it's this Jakarta Fashion Week fever that has me going on and make me want to shop for new things to wear to the event (*sigh).
I was chosen as one of the 12 fashion bloggers that gets to cover the fashion week for a whole week with a free pass to every shows and media room in JFW 2010 that will be held at Pacific Place so I got to (at least) look good, don't i? >> that's my excuse to shop ^o^
Eversince the rat ate my trusted black Vincci sandals now i don't have any black heeled sandals to wear, and i hate it! Black heeled sandal is a must have, it's like my everyday staple, what would i do without a black heeled sandals? So anyway, it's obvious that I HAVE to shop for a new black heeled sandals. I've been looking for it in several stores and outlets but didn't find the right one.. until i went to Charles & Keith store in Pondok Indah Mall and found a cute pair there. It wasn't on sale but I need it so bad and couldn't find other option anywhere so I bought it anyway for IDR 309k.
Charles & Keith is a Singaporean brand and although I love their variety of styles but i don't know why their shoes/sandals leather are easily cracked. I have like 3 of them in my shoe rack and all of them had some cracks especially in their heels. But I wear them anyway ^o^
During the Late Nite Sale I was able to get this girly dress from Chic Simple from originally IDR 249k to IDR 94k only!! Scored! :D
It's purple and I'm kinda in love with purple nowadays, purple is my color of the month ^o^ It was yellow last month, and it was turquoise the month before.. I always have a crush on certain color every month, i don't know why, is that weird?
And lastly, I bought these babies from Zara yesterday:

A sailor styled trouser (with brass buttons on the front) and a gorgeous red pumps! Oh how I love them both! The trouser was not on sale, the price tag says IDR 439.900 but like I needed a black heeled sandals so bad I also needed a black skinny jeans/pants so bad (because my old black skinny jeans were really worn out it's sooo UNcomfortable everytime I wear it).
The red patent pumps has a Special Price tag, I noticed that everything that has a Special Price tags in Zara usually means that it has some kind of defects on it, either it has a tiny stain, a wrong tag, etc.. This shoes were only IDR 199.900 and I've checked on it, the only flaw was a tiny bit of stain that you won't even notice unless you hold the shoes in front of your eyes and look closely. So it's still very very wearable and so I grab it fast because there were only 3 of them and this is the only one with my size. I'm so happy I now finally own a dreamy red shoes. You may now call me "the girl in the red shoes".. :))

1 thoughts & comments
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