Outfit DigiScrap #1
10:39:00 PMIf you read my other blog: Tigerlily's Book, you'll see that I am indulging myself in digital scrapbooking nowadays :)
I kinda like scrapbooking although I usually don't have the energy and the patience to make one in real life, so that's why I turned to digital ^o^
So here's my outfit diary journal attempt #1:
(click above for bigger picture)
Rue21 top // Old skirt from my 5th grade (!!) // Charles & Keith sandals // Metro bag // Mango watch
Yeah that skirt is my skirt from when I was in 5th grade! I think I bought it at Sarinah ^o^ And yes that skirt still fit me well (weird how your body won't grow like when they're supposed to, huh?). But anyway, I tore up the skirt right after I got home. I didn't know how it got teared up but it's beyond repair, because the tear was not in the seam but on the fabric itself ):

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