In and Around JFW 2011/2012
2:36:00 AMTo close my JFW 2011/2012 series, here are some details from inside and around the Jakarta Fashion Week venue:
The main shows on Jakarta Fashion Week took place in the tent; and inside the tent there is also a lobby / lounge area with seats, designers showcase, F&B bar area, designer's booths, and a corner to watch the JFW live streaming shows.
Here is the view in the lobby area:
Some designers showcases:
And the runway inside the tent (just before the show begins, before the crew lift up that huge cover with JFW logo that shields the runway):
This year, JFW release a QR code system as another option to printed tickets. This QR code will be sent to you to your email after you signed up online for each show's ticket, and then all you have to do is save the QR code to your device / smartphones and just show it to the JFW crew at the door who will then scan it with their own device.
I think JFW'11 idea to use these QR Code system in order to reduce the use of paper is a great idea, this effective and earth-friendly way of digital ticket should be continued for next year :)
And of course, some free stuffs that I got from JFW'12 to satisfy the "little freebie hunter" in me ;P hohoho :
ISIS tote bag + JFW 2012 pin, Mango tote bag (super cute!), Sarinah notebook, Kerastase Resistance series samples (lots of 'em!), L'oreal Hair Spa's Nourishing Creambath and Energizing Scalp Lotion.
Close-up photos:
The ISIS tote bag and JFW pin is from the ISIS fashion show, and the Mango tote bag is also from it's fashion show. The Sarinah notebook is a souvenir from their own show too, but this notebook is quite unique:
This notebook is thick and have a pretty Loro Blonyo statuettes picture on the front, and on the first pages there's a brief history on Sarinah Department store which is the first modern store ever built in Indonesia (built by Indonesia's first president: Ir.Soekarno). Did you know that President Soekarno got the name "Sarinah" from his childhood nanny's name: Mbok Sarinah. Yeah, I just knew that from reading the excerpt on the free notebook above. Quite interesting story ;)
I got the Kerastase samples from their stand right near the tent's exit door, and I got the L'oreal Hair Spa Hair Mask and Scalp Lotion from filling a short survey >> a nice woman stopped me and asked if I have a little time to answer some short survey questions. They seem to have a little survey every year at the JFW. Last year I only received a salon voucher for doing the same short survey, but this year the choice was either a voucher for Waterbom (a water park in north Jakarta) or these L'oreal Hair Spa package. And of course I picked L'oreal ! :D
See you in next year's Jakarta Fashion Week !
Click here to see my JFW'12 first day (Shafira & ISIS by Andrea Risjad show)
Click here to see my JFW'12 second day (SARINAH show)
Click here to see my JFW'12 second day (MANGO show)
Click here to see my JFW'12 second day (MANGO show)
Click here to see my last year's JFW'11 (dengan foto2 yang lebih bagus dan detail show lebih lengkap)

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