NanoStyle is an online jewelry store specializing in contemporary jewelry collection of Onyx and Cubic Zirconia gemstones with imprinted 24 karat gold adornment. They claim that they are the first & only to engrave 24 karat gold on semi precious stones. They are also specializing in unique and fashionable collection of pendants for most faiths and spiritual beliefs. But other than that, Nano...
My personal preference for deodorant is the dry stick instead of the roll-on or the spray. I like the dry stick version better than the roll-ons or spray because the stick is dry (obviously) so it won't give a "wet" feeling when in contact with my skin. And since I live in a tropical country where heat is what I have to face...
Just in case you need another good website to get some screen printed t-shirts or embroidered shirts for your company, your events, or maybe for a friend or family, you can head over to Specialty T-Shirts for great quality and affordable embroidered shirts. From what I read on their website the company has great service and many options to choose from. The website...
I should've posted this a few weeks ago but I've been very disorganized lately, so I'm sorry for that. I've been bad with my blogging schedule and I can't help it ;pSo anyway back in December my mother in law just got back from visiting my brother in law & his wife in US who just had their baby. I asked my MIL...
I first knew about this Free Sample program from Carnelin's blog "While You On Earth" (Thanks Carnelin!). And since you know I'm a sucker for freebies so of course I didn't miss this chance ;) Many thanks to Viva Cosmetics whose been so generous with this program. Viva Cosmetics is one of the oldest Indonesian makeup and bodycare line. Did you know that...
If you've been reading my blog for quite some time, you'll probably notice that this is my third review + giveaway post sponsored by Cover Your Hair. Cover Your Hair is one of my oldest sponsor, they have been my lovely sponsor ever since this blog is just a few months old! Thank you Cover Your Hair! Cover Your Hair is an online...
Kalau lagi iseng membolak-balik majalah lifestyle ibukota biasanya ada beberapa halaman yang isinya tentang para sosialita Jakarta. Sejujurnya sih saya senang melihat-lihat halaman yang penuh foto-foto glamor tersebut hehe Soalnya beberapa dari mereka tampak selalu tampil stylish dan fashionable banget di berbagai acara. Bahkan saya sampai hafal nama beberapa orang sosialita yang menurut saya pribadi selera fashion nya oke dan selalu tampil menawan...