Hauls & Freebies : DECEMBER 2011
11:56:00 AM
First of all, Happy Valentine !
Second of all, Ugh...I'm late again for my monthly haul post! This also happened the last time ( I had to squeezed in October haul & November haul post on a late December!). And now I think I'm gonna have to do it again because this post is about December hauls (yikes!).
Second of all, Ugh...I'm late again for my monthly haul post! This also happened the last time ( I had to squeezed in October haul & November haul post on a late December!). And now I think I'm gonna have to do it again because this post is about December hauls (yikes!).
I'll do the January haul post tomorrow, meanwhile here's my list for my December 2011 freebies & purchases list:
In December I considered myself very lucky because I received quite a lot of freebies, yay! It gave such a heart warming feeling to receive so many free stuffs that I love and I know would be useful :)
- Make up & Skin Care package from Viva Cosmetics
I received a free complimentary Viva Cosmetic package just by signing up as member and filling their form. In my free package I got a Compact Powder, an Eyeshadow Duo, a Lipstick, a Hand & Body Lotion, a Moisturizer, an Eye&Lip Make Up Remover, and a Viva Cosmetics Booklet. You can read my review here.
- Dresses from my cousin
On a nice lovely Sunday my cousin gave me three dresses. And I thought that was the happiest day in December ;) It's like receiving a surprise gift! And boy do I love the dresses...especially the left (rose print) one :) Below is the more close-up look on the gorgeous fabrics of the dresses:
The left one has rose-print, the middle one has floral print and it's actually an oversized tunic, and the right one has thin blue stripes and is actually a tunic.
And here they are when I wore them:
- Red Fan from hubby's office
This pretty red fan is in the goodie bag that my hubby got from his office during the office's family day. Everyone got a goodie bag consisting of tshirt, hat, etc - and because the family day was held at a very hot open field so everyone got a fan inside their bag too. Luckily we get a gorgeous one ;)
- The US hauls & freebies
This is not truly freebies, because not all of the items in the photo above are freebies, so this should be in both list (freebies as well as purchases list). These are the freebies and hauls that I received from my mother in law when she was visiting my brother in law in New York. While she was there I bought some stuffs from beauty.com & drugstore.com and sent them to my bro in law's address so my MIL can bring them back here for me. I also received some free goodies from my MIL and my bro in law's wife. To see the whole stuffs and read more details about all the stuffs in the photo, click here to see the post.
I didn't get many purchases during December because we were buying a new camera that month so I had to slack off my shopping budget ;p
- Bandage Leggings from eBay
I saw this bandage legging on ebay from a Korean seller and fell in love instantly. I love leggings! I love the comfort of wearing it, i love the easy way of wearing it, and I love how a black legging can give a slimming and lengthening illusion for my legs ;p But I never wear them as pants though, that's a No-No for me.
Example of wearing them as pants? you wear shorter tops with it, just like you would wear short tops with pants. But unlike pants, when you wear shorter tops with leggings you will end up showing your bums to the world, as well as exposing your "V" area in the front. So I never wear leggings as pants for obvious reasons, I always wear them with longer tops or tunics.
Example of wearing them as pants? you wear shorter tops with it, just like you would wear short tops with pants. But unlike pants, when you wear shorter tops with leggings you will end up showing your bums to the world, as well as exposing your "V" area in the front. So I never wear leggings as pants for obvious reasons, I always wear them with longer tops or tunics.
- Skirted Leggings from eBay
But then I found the answer to my problem: a skirted legging ! I found this legging that has an attached mini skirt from eBay right after I bought the bandage legging above. I am so glad I found this legging because with this one I now can wear every top that I own with it, even the shorter tops, because this legging has an attached layer on the upper area that makes it looked like a mini skirt. So that means I can wear my shorter tops with a legging. Yes, I can actually wear this particular legging as pants! SCORE! :D
- Mango 3/4 Sleeve Knit Blouse & Grey Turtleneck
I got these two basics from the Mango Sale. I love Mango knitswear because they are comfy, durable, and look great (good cutting). So I bought these two to add to my basics wear. And luckily they were in deep sale.
- Red Watch from Eustacia & Co
There's a new store at Pondok Indah Mall bridge area, it's called Eustacia & Co. It's fully stocked with cute affordable accessories such as jewelries, bags, shoes, scarves, watches, belts, and also some dresses and tops. There are a whole rack full of cheap watches like this one, and I just bought this to wear as an accessory, not for a real watch ;p
The lighting in the store made this watch look really pretty so I thought the IDR50.000 something is pretty worth it, but when i got home I started to doubt myself because this watch looks cheap, and I think IDR50.000 is a little bit overpriced. But it's still cute for an arm accessory though ;p
- Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask
I've been wanting to try this but kept forgetting to buy it, luckily this time I remember and bought it. This mask has been a hit and lots of beauty gurus rave about it, I had used the mask several times and will write the review about it soon ;)
Okay, so there goes my very late December 2011's new things in my wardrobe post. Stay tuned for the January 2012 hauls & freebies tomorrow!
If you want to read all of my "Hauls & Freebies" posts, just click here and keep scrolling down on that page.

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