Weekly Face Mask : Ovale Cucumber Facial Mask
10:31:00 AMMy current daily skincare routine includes:
I have combination to oily skin (but sometimes it's more dry than oily - weird skin) with current problems on blemishes, break-out scars and dark spots. So I realize that I need some extra treatment to add to my daily skincare routine to improve my skin condition. Some extra treatments that I add lately is routine exfoliation with a scrub cleanser (2 or 3 times a week), and facial masks for twice a week. I use either a mask from a tube like Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque, or one of the regular mask sheets that I have on hand.
I always love mask sheets (facial masks in sheets packaging), I'm starting to build a mini collection of mask sheets in my dresser table now - LOL. I love mask sheets because they're much more simple to use than the tube/jar version, and mask sheets allows me to try on different brands and different results according to my skin needs. For example, if my skin feels dry then I will choose the hydrating mask, or if my skin is at it's oily peak, then I'd choose the mattifying or the oil-control mask. That's why I love collecting mask sheets with different benefits or ingredients, and I like having many options too ;)
So anyway, I thought I'd share with you one of my mask routine:
This week I used my Ovale Facial Mask Cucumber because currently I find my oil gland is acting up a little bit, and I chose this mask from the mask sheets pile on my dresser table because this one says "For Matte Looking Face" on the front of the packaging ;p
Ovale Cucumber Facial Mask
Bought at:
Supermarket (Carrefour)
Supermarket (Carrefour)
Price (UPDATED - thx to Fifi who gave a comment on this post):
I forgot but it was quite cheap, between IDR 5000 - 6000 per sheet (= less than a Dollar)
I forgot but it was quite cheap, between IDR 5000 - 6000 per sheet (= less than a Dollar)
What it said on the sheet:
For Matte Looking Face.
Combination of Cucumber Extract, Witch Hazel, Vitamin C & E helps to cleanse, keep skin tight, freshen and help to reduce excessive oil on face. Enriched with Algae Extract to keep the skin moist.
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My Take:
(My skin is combination oily with blemishes and dull complexion)
The texture of the mask is thick but smooth, almost like a toothpaste. The color is green and it smells like fresh cucumber, but the scent is not the "really strong" type. When you first opened the mask sheet the scent would be a little bit strong for your nose but it's just at the beginning. When you lather it on your face the scent become really subtle.
I put it on my face with a mask brush but you could put it on with fingers, it doesn't matter. I just don't like my hands to be dirty, that's all hehehe ;p
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Trying so hard to be cute... And failed. |
On the packaging it said to leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. You'll feel the mask harden and tightens. And when it feels hard you'll know that it's time to wash it off with lukewarm water.
Tips: If the mask is too hard to break with water then try patting on the mask with a towel that you dampen with hot water first. Jadi kalau masker nya susah dibersihkan dengan air karena keras, coba ditepuk-tepuk dulu sama handuk yang sudah dibasahi air hangat. Setelah ditepuk-tepuk, masker akan melunak sedikit dan kamu bisa lanjut bersihin dengan handuk dan air hangat.
The after result:
My skin feels so smooth and so moist that I don't feel the need to add moisturizer. My skin also felt fresh and the skin tone looks more even, and my blemishes and acne scars are more sheer and not as noticeable as before. It also has a brightening effect because I feel that my skin is more radiant, and the overall complexion looks smooth and matte. Love it!
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(after) |
I'm happy with the result. I always use facial mask at night before bed time, and with this mask my face still looks radiant in the morning and I can't believe that it stays matte with no signs of oiliness for the next 2 days! (well, one and a half day, actually ;p), but still that's a great result from just one use of this mask. This mask really do what it said it would do ^o^
I hate that it's a bit difficult to squeeze all the paste out of the sheet. I have to roll it up and push it a little hard towards the opening so that I can squeeze out the paste. See the pic below:
Maybe it's just me but I think it's a little annoying because you have to keep rolling it up and squeeze it hard to get all of the paste to come out, many of them are sinking at the very bottom so it need a good push to squeeze it all out.
Although the packaging is cute but it's no use if it's a hassle to use it ;p
So my suggestion is maybe Ovale would re-package their mask sheet so that it would be easier for everyone to use? ;p
Overall, it's a great affordable mask sheet with instant results that can last over a day. It's worth to try. Great for summer or for Oily and Combination-oily skin. I am definitely thinking to buy this again.

7 thoughts & comments
Aku juga suka masker ini. Tapi kalau lagi jerawatan aja pakainya. Kalau undtuk perawatan rutin lebih suka mustuka ratu yang bengkoang :)
Aku sudah pernah nyobain juga..memang bagus efeknya, muka langsung berasa cling dan segar ^^
ReplyDeleteCuman agak ribet sama model2 masker gini, lebih prefer mask sheet aja kalau aku he5
Kalau untuk harganya memang murmer dan gampang didapat ^^
Thanks for sharing yuri :)
@Sekar: Aku juga suka masker bengkoang, bikin cerah seketika hehehe
ReplyDeleteThanks udah mampir yaa ;)
@Shasha: iya emang lebih praktis mask sheet kemana2 ya, tinggal pake, buang hehe aku juga pake masker yg model gini kalo lagi santai-santai aja.
Lebih ribet lagi masker yg bubuk, yg musti dicampur air dulu hehe itu baru butuh waktu luang kalo maskeran ;) But i love them all sih hihihi
ini masker HGnya mamahkuu~ katanya bikin mukanya less oily :D ...
I'm going to try this! I'm bored with my current mask already (the zamian cocoa one) and Queen Helene Mint Julep makes my skin too dry most times. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteOh and the price is Rp 5000? That's less than a dollar, not $5. :D
@Vicky: iyess, ini emang enak bgt bwt yg oily, muka jadi matte seharian dan harganya murah pula, jadi bisa stock hehehe
ReplyDelete@Fifi: oh my God yes you're right, ahaha I'm wrong, maybe I was too sleepy when I typed the post hehe the price is totally below a dollar, I'll edit the post right after this. Thank you for the correction :D
By the way aku juga ga terlalu cocok pake queen helene mint julep, kayanya gak ada result yg gimana gitu ke kulitku hehehe
Hey very interesting info. Btw I just found out that this Ovale brand they have the capsule in red its something apple + Vit E essence. Can anyone share with me about this product? How is the effect? appreciate it
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
I will return the favors by checking out and comment back on your blog ^o^