Outfit Poll : Scarf
12:26:00 AMI did an outfit poll a couple of weeks ago and to my surprise I received many responds from you guys, I had quite many voters on my last outfit poll so I guess you guys kinda liked that kind of posts. And because of that reasons I thought I'd do another outfit poll again today ;)
If you remember my previous (and first) outfit poll, I asked you guys what should I wear to a day out with friends, and of all the three outfit choices I gave you here's your number one pick:
Look 1
Simple and Practical with Knitted Sweater and Jeans
Thank you for those of you who has voted and picked the outfit for me. Based on the poll results there was an absolute contender:
- Look 1 : 62.5 %
- Look 2 : 6.2 %
- Look 3 : 31.2 %
A big percentage (without a doubt) goes to Look number one, followed with Look number three which had a 31.2% (so I probably would also wear this look some time in the future).
And here is the actual outfit that I wore based on your number one choice above:
And here is the actual outfit that I wore based on your number one choice above:
Mango Knit Sweater worn with random black tank, Zara sailor pants, Ciciero bag, Shoelicious wedges, handmade necklace (which I bought at a bazaar), De Moda gold bracelet, Mango watch.
And now I need another vote from you guys to help me decide which outfit that I should wear on a cold windy day. The theme for today's outfit poll is: Scarf.
You know how scarf can help keeps you warmer on a cold / windy day, right? So here I have made three "outfit plans with scarves" that I'm not really sure which one I'm gonna wear. So please help me choose. You can vote for which look that you think is the best / better one from all these three outfit-plans below. You can only vote for one look though ;p
Look 1
Sweater and Plain Red Scarf
Look 2
Blazer and Plaid Scarf
Thanks guys, I will open this poll until Saturday (April 21st) and will let you know the poll result later on ;)

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