Outfit Poll : Photo Set
4:11:00 AM
Remember my last outfit poll in which I asked your opinion which one of my "scarf" outfit plan that you liked the most? Well I finally round up your answer and here is the result:
- Look #1 : 20 %
- Look #2 : 0 %
- Look #3 : 80 %
I was actually kinda surprised because no one picked the number two option, LOL. I must've done it really wrong hahaha or maybe I didn't photograph it very well so you guys can't see the whole outfit details. Anyway, a strong percentage of you chose Look #3 which is the Blazer & Plaid Scarf:
Blazer and Plaid Scarf
Mango red Sweater / Custom-made Blazer / Chocolat plaid Skirt (via Metro dept store) / Random plaid Scarf from mom / St.Yves Wedgies / Poins Floral Ring
Thank you so much for you guys who have voted in the poll :D
And now I got another poll for you ;)
I have been having fun lately trying on some new edits for my photos. Too bad Picnik.com has already closed down (insert sad face here), it was my go-to online photo editor (boohoo...)
But now I've been trying on different photo editors and so far I like experimenting with the photos.
So I have three sets of outfit photos below with different edits, and the poll will be about : Which one of the photo set below that you like the most (overall outfit-wise & edit-wise) ?
But now I've been trying on different photo editors and so far I like experimenting with the photos.
So I have three sets of outfit photos below with different edits, and the poll will be about : Which one of the photo set below that you like the most (overall outfit-wise & edit-wise) ?
Photo Set #1
Dark Edit
Dark Edit
Zara blouse / Zara shorts / Charles & Keith Sandals / Vintage belt / Vintage Etienne Aigner Bag / Handmade Necklace from a bazaar
Photo Set #2
Color-Tone Edit
Color-Tone Edit
Theory shorts / Pink asymmetrical blouse (gifted) / Milan M knitted Sweater / Charles & Keith Sandals / Poins floral Ring / Handmade Necklace from a bazaar
Photo Set #3
Vintage Style Edit
Vintage Style Edit
Thrifted (and altered) striped Top / Random old Maxi Skirt / Vintage Etienne Aigner Bag / Forever 21 silver Bangle / Necklaces: Vintage (from Mom), and Lola & Grace (via Etsy)
Thank you so much for your participation guys, I will open this poll until next week (May 10th) and will let you know the poll result later on ;)
Love ya!

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I really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
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