
Hauls & Freebies: Fashion Edition

1:57:00 AM

This is just a quick post continuing my previous "New Hauls & Freebies: Beauty edition" that I put up last week. And as I promised, here is the Fashion items edition ;)

Oh and just like what I had explained in my previous post above, from now on there will be something different in my Hauls & Freebies series. Starting this month I would just put up a simple list + photos of the Hauls & Freebies without detailed explanation on every single item like I used to do before. It makes it simpler to read and it cost me less time too ;p (win-win solution, LOL).

 So here are my fashion recent purchases & freebies:

 Navy/White Oversized Knit Vest
I got this from one of those online shop in Facebook. I kinda like it although it's a bit too long for me (because I'm short ;p). For some reason I can not wear it as chic as the model who wears it in the advertisement (doh) -__- But I still like it nonetheless.

Black & White Bow Cardigan 
Purple/Orange Colorblock Dress
I also got these from one of the online store in Facebook. These are Korean fashion items and they were cheap too :) - I actually picked up the black & white bow cardigan because it reminds me of the polished Chanel look but it was actually a knit cardigan. It's my fault because I thought it was cotton when I saw the photo on the web, I didn't read the description carefully. But that's okay because I still like it ;) I haven't worn the purple/orange colorblock dress yet but I have worn the cardigan to the Body Shop BFF meet-up a while ago ;)

Payless Montago Bay Coral Sprinkles
Hubby K was buying shoes in Payless and then there's a "Buy 1 Get 2nd item 50% Off" promo so I bought this one and got it for quite a steal because of the promo :D I needed more flats (sandals or shoes) so I got this cute coral one instead, complete with those cute little pompom flower on the top ;p

Elle Socks
I got three more socks to add to my socks collection, yay :D I love wearing socks during sleep so I almost always wear socks at night before going to bed. And I love socks! There are many variations of them with various prints and patterns, I love opening up my socks drawer and seeing all those cute and colorful socks inside ;) 

 Stroberi Hauls
Stroberi is one of those accessories store that you could find at the mall. I knew about Stroberi since they opened their store at Pondok Indah Mall years ago. But I never went in there because I thought they're the same as Naughty (another similar store that I often go to in the past). I thought their items would just be similar with the ones in Naughty and I don't really fancy Naughty anymore because I hardly got anything cute or good enough from them anymore. BUT I was proven wrong when one day while killing time waiting for some people, I decided to just go ahead and see what's inside the store. I had nothing better to do and the Stroberi store is right in front of where I was standing. So I went and found out that their stuffs are actually way better than Naughty! They have many cute accessories especially Japanese style accessories, and they're dirt cheap too! I can't wait to go there again to stock up my accessories collection ;p - Below are the items I bought:
2 headbands (a grey chain elastic one + a sparkly pink one), 
a pink rose ring, 
a criss-crossed ponytail wrap
2 white beads bracelets in different variations
Donut Roll
You know what a donut roll, right? The one that they used for making a high bun on top of your head ;p

Old Navy Pajama Pants
Paul Smith Black Cardigan
I love wearing pajama pants or yoga pants at home because they're so comfortable to lounge in and they make me warm (because my room air-con is super cold although I set it to "low"). So I always needed a new pajama/yoga pants because I actually didn't have that many and wanted to start collecting them because they're so comfy.
I also love cardigans although I didn't seem to wear them that often (doh). And one must need a basic black cardigan. It's one of the fashion must-have staple. - I already have a black cardigan but it starting to worn out because it's so old, so I decided to get a new one and this Paul Smith one has a great quality that I know will endure for the longest time.

 Guess Hoodie Jacket + Ruched Top
My Old Navy grey hoodie is my go-to jacket because it is soooo comfortable to wear and it's perfect for colder days like this rainy season we're having now. But the Old Navy one is also getting older and started to show some wear & tear because I wore it so often! And I don't want to put more damage to it because I wanna keep wearing it, so I thought it's time to get a new one for back up. I found one from Guess which surprisingly really fits me like a glove! Because most of the time jackets and outerwear usually runs big on me and it's hard to find a jacket that fits my petite framing so when I found something that fits, I would purchase it if the price is right. 
This jacket from Guess has a sparkly application at the front and a rose thread print at the side arms. It also has a kangaroo pocket at the front which for me is as important as the hoodie ;)
The black top is made from the thinnest fabric I have ever worn ;p It's so comfortable and perfect for hot summer days when the sun is shining super bright because the material is so thin and airy. Love it!

Nike Sweatshirt / Sweater
I don't know if I should call this a sweater or a sweatshirt because this has zipper that only goes for half the front and a kangaroo pocket as well as a hoodie. Whatever the name is, I love it. We're getting into colder seasons where we should expect lots of rains here so I've been purchasing clothes that are suitable for colder seasons such as the pajama pants, the hoodie jacket, and this sweater. I actually never own one like this before. For me it's either fully zipped up or no zip at all. So this half zipped up style is totally new to me and I've been craving it since I saw a couple of Youtubers hauling these kind of sweaters. And I'm glad I found one ;) - This Nike one is so comfortable to wear, it's really warm and cozy and looks really sporty and casual chic. I also love the cute little shoe zipper! Can you spot the shoe zipper? ;p

The Limited Sleeveless Ruffle Blouse
I don't own anything like this in my closet so I got this on one of my shopping trip. When I tried it on, hubby K said
"Really? Purple? But you never wear purple".
Me: "That's because I don't have much purple in my closet".
And that is exactly the reason why I got this one ;p

Aside from the above purchases I'm also very fortunate to still be able to receive some freebies recently:
Sunglasses (FREEBIE)
I got this cool sunglasses from one of my blog partner. She gave me a coupon to this cool sunglasses website as a thank you note for helping her in her project. I found this super cool sunglasses on the website, this is matte black on the outside and on the inside it has animal print! It also has a slightly cat eye shape. Coolest sunglasses ever! :D

 Chicnova Accessories (FREEBIE)
As I told you before on my previous post I won a Chicnova giveaway and got a coupon code that I can redeem on their website. 
Chicnova offers Korean & Japanese fashion but I decided to get some new accessories instead. I chose 3 different kinds of accessories but when they arrived one of them was broken and Chicnova has kindly gave me another chance to get something else from them. What a very great service! - So I got 4 accessories in total: 2 necklaces & 2 bangle sets. I love bangle sets and wants to collect them in every colors, LOL.. Anyway, I'm thinking of making a review post on these accessories and Chicnova in general, soon.

 Vintage Scarf (FREEBIE)
My mom in law gave me this really pretty scarf and I love it because it's so colorful. It's perfect to brighten an otherwise gloomy day. Because the material of the scarf is thin so I like to wear it with a plain white tee and jeans, just like you see in the photo above ;)

 2 Batik Dresses + Accessories (FREEBIE)
My mom in law also gave me these 2 batik dresses with a necklace and 2 beaded bracelets. I love the modern style of the batik dress especially the red brick one because it is actually a 2-piece with a detachable cropped peplum bolero, so cute!
The blue one also has a beautiful batik pattern and I also love both of the bracelets she gave me ;)
Here's some photos of the necklace and two bracelets (sorry for the bad pic, I took this from my instagram because I couldn't find the stock photo on my laptop):
You can click the photos above to enlarge. At the right I'm wearing one of the bracelet which is the blue one.

 2 Bangle Sets from my Sister in Law (FREEBIE)
I have been very blessed to have in laws family that are so very nice and kind to me. Not only that I got a gift from my Mom in law, I also got a gift from my sister in law. This is actually a birthday gift. She gave me these 2 sets of bangles which I love so much. The first one is a set of wooden bangle which I already wore too often by now ;p And the other one is a pretty dark grey bauble bracelet set that comes attached with a pretty black ribbon. Love them both ;)

 Batik Cropped Blazer (FREEBIE)
Last but not least, my mom gave me this Batik cropped blazer from her trip to Jogja (the land of Batik, LOL). I love this one because it's pink and it has cute modern style, and because it fits my petite frame perfectly! Basically I love everything that fits me ;p And I love Batik in modern style pieces. So now I have 3 new Batik items from my 2 moms :) - Love them!

Okay, so that recap my Hauls & Freebies post: the Fashion edition. I have been blessed with many freebies lately and I am grateful and thankful for that. 
I also would like to note that I didn't include free stuffs that I got for review purposes or stuffs that I was sent to from my sponsor because I don't think they belong in this post.

So what did you get lately?

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4 thoughts & comments

  1. OMG banyak sekali dear... Cuteness warning! haha... I love the cardigan and scarf... I wanna all of them! hahaha

    God Bless

  2. the scarf is so pretty!! I loves all of your outfit ^_~ lovely ~

  3. There are so many pretty items here! You look amazing! xo akiko
    Style Imported

  4. @Elsza: Hahaha ini tapi nggak sekali beli kok, ini kumpulan aja dari 2-3 bulan terakhir hehehe

    @Janet: Thank you, i love it too :)

    @Akiko: Thank you Akiko :)


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