Guest Post: Better ways to share your life events
7:22:00 PMI have always wanted my own website. Aunique URL that is simply devoted to me, and everything that has anything towith my life. Knowing how ridiculous this would look and sound to my friends, Ihave never acted on this impulse, and I've always settled in the meantime formyspace/facebook/twitter avatars that pop up every few years. But really, thesearen't enough. These are just sites where I'm one among many, a split second inthe eternal scroll through, competing with everyone else I know. Imagine beingable to choose the design and layout of your site, monitor who sees it and havea guest counter? I want something that no one sees unless they really are thereto look at it, rather than just thumbing through on the train home from work.Is that an usual thing to want? I thought so, until I discovered that websiteslike Peepsakes exist for thisvery purpose.
When I found this out, my first thought wasto deactivate every piece of social media I've ever embarked on in celebration.All the things I use social media for, which is mainly sharing photos and eventinvitations, can be done better and more classily on a private site. I can evensend my granny the URL and a log in and she can see pictures of my daughter'schristening, my thirtieth birthday, my housewarming party (well, maybe I won'tshare those with her after all). I would never have been able to get her onsocial media before, and it's been ages since I've created a physical photoalbum that she could see. What I love is that just like social media, I cancontrol my privacy settings, and send friends a password and username if needsbe.
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