Featured in CHIC Magazine & T.T.T is officially a DOTCOM now!
2:34:00 AM
I am so excited to tell you two of the biggest news I have currently! Both of these news are so big to me and marks the milestones of this blog. These are surely two big phases for my cherished blog (yes, this blog is my baby. I cherished this blog so much because I started this blog since 4 years ago with many big hopes and dreams, and I'm glad that right now I have reached this phase where everything starting to get a bit surreal for me because I've achieved so many things with this blog, and I am really really thankful for that).
So, the first news is:
I would like to announce that Two Thousand Things is now officially a DOTCOM. Yayyy! I am sooo happyyy :D
So now the old url address which used to be:
now become:
maybe some of you have noticed it for the past few weeks, but most of you probably
don't. Yes, actually I've been using the new address since late of
April. But I decided to postpone the announcement until now ;)
now if you type in the old address it would automatically redirect to the
new address, and it would automatically changed on the url link box
This is something that I've been wanting to do for such a looong
time, but always had a little bit of doubt doing it. But now I finally
did it, and I am super happy and I feel that this blog has developed a
lot from where it once started so I thought it deserve a new dotcom
address of it's own ^o^
And the second news is:
Two Thousand Things is featured in CHIC Magazine - May edition on their "Blog's Review" section where they review one chosen blog every month! I am so honored because when CHIC magazine contacted me to get a permission to review my blog I thought I would just get a little mention or just a little excerpt or something like that. But I was surprised to find out that I got a whole page !
WOW! Just WOW!
I was very surprised to see it as this is my first big feature in a magazine. My first ever magazine feature experience was when one of my holiday photo was featured on Go Girl! magazine last year. But it was only one photo (of a tourist spot in Malang) with my name as the "photo source" on a small section of a page. I was excited about it too back then and posted the news to my Facebook page, and I remember I put on some quotes on my FB page too: " Right now it's just a photo that I took featuring my name written in a small section. Hopefully on the next feature I would take a whole page ;p ".
And who would've thought that those quotes really do come true right now!
I just can't believe it. Now it really is a whole page indeed! >>> This is why dreams can come true if you truly believe it ;) <<<
Thank you so much for CHIC Magazine for featuring my blog, and hopefully on the next magazine feature there would be a whole page about my profile with my big photo on it ;) >> Say Amen to this! Who knows, it might be true again ;p <<
So that's all the good news and I just want to share it with you my lovely readers because without you this blog wouldn't have reached it's place right now. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for your glorious supports. To my old followers: I can't thank you enough but I really appreciate all the supports you have given this blog; from writing comments, joining my giveaways, and supporting me on my other social media channels. And for my new followers: welcome! I really thank you for joining as a new follower and I hope that you like what you see in this blog. I will do my best to keep up this blog and once again I thank you all for everything.

5 thoughts & comments
Congratz...!!! ^^
ReplyDeleteKepingin buat url sendiri juga tapi masi belum sempat2 nih.
Thank you so much Sekar! :D
ReplyDeleteAyoo pindah ke dotcom hehehe it's super easy ternyata kalo pake blogspot ;)
Congratulations for becoming a dot com!! :D I am happy for you, though i just came across your blog now! xD this story is very inspiring! I have just started my own blog about 6 months ago, and it is inspiring how you became so big! I hope i can achieve the same success
ReplyDeletecheck out my own blog on
beli domain ya?
ReplyDeletecongratz featured in magz.
btw share dong from the beginning sampe ky skrg >_<
@Samantha: Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment dear :) The blogging world is amazing, the opportunity is so wide, we just have to know our niche and maintain our works in our blog, and then I believe that the opportunity would come and knock your door :)
ReplyDelete@Jessica: Thank you darling.. Aku belum ngerasa pantes untuk sharing Jess soalnya aku ngerasa belum "besar/big name" dan belum banyak juga yang dicapai kok :) Masih banyak lagi yg mau dicapai melalui blog ini hehe Masih remaja ini blog nya ceritanya hihihi
I really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
I will return the favors by checking out and comment back on your blog ^o^