Winner of DOP Handcraft Giveaway!
10:27:00 PM
UPDATED: The previous winner (Rita Iryanti) didn't respond to my email or to this announcement post so according to the rules I have to draw another winner. I used a random number generator to pick the winner and the new winner is:
Hey pretty ladies (and guys, if any..) ;p
Lisnawati Noor
I will email the new winner shortly and will wait for their respond within 72 hours.
I'm sorry for the super late winner announcement post for the DOP Handcraft giveaway. I'm also sorry for the lack of posts lately because I've been super duper busy I didn't touched my computer for 2 weeks!
Eek! Can you believe that?!
That's how busy I am. We're in the middle of renovating our future pad and I have been very busy with this renovating and moving preparation I didn't have time to blog or even open up my laptop.
I always came home late at night these past 2 weeks and been very tired, so on my off days I prefer to get some sleep and some needed rest because I'm feeling very very tired due to all the hectic for these past 2 weeks.
I always came home late at night these past 2 weeks and been very tired, so on my off days I prefer to get some sleep and some needed rest because I'm feeling very very tired due to all the hectic for these past 2 weeks.
It's gonna be another busy weeks ahead so I want to say sorry in advance if I am off the blog for the next 2 weeks or until all of these moving out things are at least settled. So please bear with me..
Meanwhile, here is the winner of the DOP giveaway:
I picked the winner by random,
and the winner is :
and the winner is :
Rita Iryanti
I will contact the winner by email shortly, and if the winner does not respond within 72 hours then I will pick up a new winner with an online random generator.
NOTE: For you who doesn't win this time, don't fret....because you still have another chance to win another giveaway! Keep checking back and/or follow my blog if you don't wanna miss your chance on winning great free stuff here on Two Thousand Things ^__^

3 thoughts & comments
Congrats Rita. :)
ReplyDeleteNew post is up!
XX, IamJenniya
congratss for the winner ^^
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih ya sis Yuri, next time saya akan lebih sering cek email, siapa tau dapat email dari sis Yuri lagi, hehehe :-)
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
I will return the favors by checking out and comment back on your blog ^o^