First Purchase of 2014 / Beauty Bay Review
6:01:00 PM
This is my first purchase of this year. I actually ordered it back in early January from Beauty Bay - which is a website that sells beauty products and ships worldwide (with free shipping!). I just recently received the package due to the international shipment, so that's why I just post it now.
Consider this post as a review for because this is also my very first experience shopping from Beauty Bay. The website has various selections of beauty products from brands that are mostly hard to get here in my country. So that's why I love stalking the website ;p
So as you can see, the product came in the package as above. It was quite sturdy and it was also fully packed with hard brown papers that acted as a bumper for the product inside (see below pic). The shipment itself took about 3 weeks when it finally reached my address (regular shipping time for international shipping based on my experience is 2 to 3 weeks).
Overall, my shopping experience was a success story. I love how they packaged the product carefully, and I also love the various brands that they offer at the website (mostly brands that are popular in the UK - which I'm dying to try out).
I also appreciate the Free Shipping Worldwide offer, and you can see the price of the product in your own currency. I only hope that they would offer many more sales and discounts in the future ;)
So the first item that I purchased this year is: In The Midnight Hour set from This Works. It all started when I noticed that this was on sale in I've heard quite a lot of good things about This Works products especially their Deep Sleep range.
Being a severe insomniac (sometimes I slept at five or six or seven! in the morning) I'm always happy to try new products that are meant to help sleeps faster. I've tried everything from lavender products (body lotion & scented candle), pillow spray, lavender-infused sleeping eye mask, to calming sleeping tea, but all came to no avail. So I'm hoping that this one would work.
In The Midnight Hour Set comes with two products which are the Deep Sleep Shower Gel and the Deep Sleep Stress Less Roll-On. I really love the colorful box that surprisingly comes with simple product packaging inside. A complete review will be coming soon, as I only received this recently and hasn't got the time to try it yet. I'll let you know how it goes ;)
Meanwhile, I need to get myself a cup of chamomile tea to calm me down because right now I am in a super bad mood (damn you hormones!) [-_-]
Hugs and Kissies,

7 thoughts & comments
Salam mbak mau nanya.. Blnja d beautybay itu ad biaya tambahn lain gak?? Selain hrg brg yg qt beli?? Makasih sblmny
ReplyDeleteHai Devi,
ReplyDeleteWaktu itu sih aku ga ada biaya tambahan apa apa. Kalo kita belanja dari website luar negri selama harga nya kurang dari $50 maka ketika masuk ke Indonesia ga akan kena tax import. Tapi kayanya sih sekarang bea cukai lagi rada ketat ya, kemarin aku ada order dari web luar isinya beauty products ditahan bea cukai padahal ga lebih dari $50. Alasannya karena salah satu product di paket harus ada ijinnya. Tapi mungkin aku lagi sial aja kemarin, better be careful aja :)
Hi im from Malaysia. Saya ada order dari website ni,dari 4 august. Tapi hingga sekarang belum sampai. Sy pun tak boleh check tracking number yang mereka berikan. Do u jave any idea about this ? Im so stress because my customer keep asking about d item.. sigh
Deletemaaf, kalau boleh tau website luarnya apa ya? gw pengen nyoba beli di beautybay jadi ragu lagi
ReplyDeleteAduh maaf baru bales. Aku waktu itu terakhir belanja dari yang ketahan di bea cukai. Tapi so far temen2 blogger yg lain masih ada yang fine-fine aja sih diterima barangnya ke rumah. Mungkin aku waktu itu kena random check aja makanya dapet "surat cinta" dari bea cukai hehe Good luck ya! :)
I see, gw ketiga kalinya berbelanja di dan sampai skrg belum pernah kena (semoga jangan). But thanks for the info ya, jadi gw bisa jaga-jaga nih.
ReplyDelete@Sakinah Asmara : Hi Sakinah, I did this purchase two years ago so I'm not sure if they already changed the shipping process or not. But mine came in a little more than 3 weeks so if you ordered on August 4 I think you should expect it to come near end of August. Maybe it would come this week :)
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
I will return the favors by checking out and comment back on your blog ^o^