TAGGED: Closet Confidential
8:44:00 PM
So I stumbled upon this very interesting fashion tag from one of beautybaby44's youtube video which basically have these quick questions about our wardrobe. Lindsay and her sister tagged all her video viewers who wants to do this tag too. I think it's a fun tag to do, so here is my version...
1. What is the oldest item in your wardrobe/closet?
2. What is the newest item?
3. What is the most expensive item?
4. What is the cheapest/most affordable item? (that you wear/use a lot!)
5. What was the biggest bargain?
6. What was the biggest waste of money?!
BONUS QUESTION - Show us your three favourite items right now
First, the oldest item in my wardrobe/closet is this green floral flowy custom-made skirt that I had in my wardrobe since twenty years ago! It was part of a family uniform that we wore in a great family reunion. And yes, it is that old! But I still have it because the fabric is still nice and the colors still look gorgeous. The fact that I don't wear it often probably helps in preserving it ;)
Second, the newest item in my wardrobe is the Burberry plaid shirt which I got recently on a sale. This is my first plaid shirt after wanting to have them for years and years, can you believe it? LOL
Third, the most expensive item in my wardrobe is definitely the Stella McCartney dress which I actually got for free from my beloved cousin because it doesn't fit her when she tried it at home. It was one of the luckiest day of my life when I received that dress ;)
Well, the dress is a freebie item so I don't know if that could be counted. For the most expensive item that I bought myself is probably the Kate Spade necklace which I also got in a sale. Sadly, this doesn't get to be worn frequently because sometimes I feel too careful to wear it because it's expensive >_<
Fourth, the cheapest / most affordable item in my wardrobe that I wear most often is these rings from ebay. Actually I got quite a handful of cheap jewelries like this which I acquired mostly from a bazaar. These rings from ebay are also amongst the cheapest ones in my jewelry stash. Each of these only cost me less than a dollar, and with free shipping too ;)
Fifth, the biggest bargain item in my wardrobe. I have a hard time remembering which of my items that got the biggest bargain, because I usually spent most of my money on a bargained items, LOL. I always look for bargains and sales and discounts, especially on big ticket items such as branded clothes or jewelries ;p One of the recently purchased item that I got with big bargain is this Nine West bag. It was on 50% discount and then I also got a free voucher for additional discount. That makes it a total of 70% discount. From originally more than 2 millions Rupiahs, I only paid it around IDR 200,000 only. Big Score!
Sixth, the biggest waste of money is probably this ankle booties from The Little Things She Needs. I got this a few years ago and I still haven't worn it frequently. I think I've only worn it for about 15 times in a span of five years. Oh well...
Bonus question, the three of my favorite things to wear right now are the printed pants from Uniqlo, my grey hoodie from Guess (because it's been raining a lot), and the H&M gold chain bracelet because it's just look gorgeous when worn ;p
If you want to also do this fun tag then consider yourself already tagged by me. I tagged all of you who wants to do this too. So you can write my name (if you like) as the one who tagged you to do this ;)
Don't forget to also link your post to the comment below, I would like to read it if you do one ;p
Meanwhile, you can also check out my beauty tag which I did a while ago: Colors of The Rainbow tag.
Hugs and Kissies,

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