Remember my collab project with SheInside in THIS POST ? I love browsing SheInside website because they have so many options with new items uploaded every time. They also offer various style of fashion that would surely catches the eyes of every fashionistas.
Here are some of my spring fashion wish list that I would like to share with you. I am into florals and feminine-cut right now (don't I always? ;p), so you would probably see lots of them as you scroll down below:
Believe it or not, I only have one blazer in my wardrobe right now, and it's a black classic blazer. I know I'm super late in this trend but I'm always curious with floral blazer, so that goes into my wish list as you can see above.
I'm also very intrigued with the kimono trend which I think is gonna be up and coming again this spring, so I put one flowy kimono in my wish list basket here. I think it would look good with a plain t-shirt and jeans or to layer over a simple romper ;p
I am also trying to upgrade my closet with shirts because hubby
requested me to wear more shirts (he said he liked it). Again, believe it or not, I only have 2 wearable shirts in my wardrobe so currently I'm trying to buy more
shirts or "blouses that looks like shirts", just like the two blouses above.
Last but not least, I'm getting tired of wearing jeans, long pants and dresses for the past several months, so I'm eager to add more cute shorts and skirts into my wardrobe just like my wish list below:
So those are pretty much some of my wish list from and those are the items that I would wear myself on a daily basis.
If you're interested in any of the items I put above, you can just click the photo and it will take you straight to the page on SheInside website. Clicking the photo would not bring any revenue for me, I just simply want to share my favorites with you ;)
So do you like any of my wish list items above?
Happy browsing!