[Outfit Diary] : Singapore Holiday With Friends
1:27:00 AM
Just like what I have previously mentioned in my last post, I had a short holiday trip with my old college friends to Singapore about three weeks ago. I also promised you some short posts for this week, so here's another short post for today...
It's just a photo album featuring some of the pictures from my recent trip with my besties. It includes my #ootd for the three days trip:
On the first day we went straight to Ikea. It's my first time ever to go to Ikea store and I have known Ikea for so long. I first knew about it from my dad's old Ikea catalogue since I was 12 years old, and interior design is one of my passion too, so of course I was super excited to go to Ikea for the first time. I didn't shop much here because I knew that Jakarta's version of Ikea would be open soon in October ;p
We went everywhere by bus or MRT, but other times we took the taxi too. After Ikea we went to my friends's house to take a rest before going out at night again to Mustafa to buy some chocolates.
Wearing: Batik Top c/o Roxy // Jeggings from Uniqlo
Sandals from Payless // Bag is Tokidoki from LeSportSac
Bracelet is new (gifted)
On the second day we went to Universal Studios which is our main
destination here. It was the first time for me and I had a really great
time and would love to repeat every rides and attraction if I could,
especially the Transformers and The Mummy which is THE coolest ride I've
ever been on! It's super exciting and such an awesome ride, especially
since I sat at the front during the Mummy ride ;)
Anyway, I was planning to wear shorts that day but unfortunately it was
my first period day so I couldn't take the risk. That's why I was the
only one who wear pants in the photo ;) Luckily my pants are cotton so
it's airy and didn't caused much heat.
Wearing: Tank Top from Benetton // Printed Pants (Bday Gift)
Sandals from Payless // Necklace from Mom (hand me down)
Bangle from Garage Sale // Tokidoki from LeSportSac Bag // H&M Sunglasses
On day three we have come up with the idea of wearing themed-outfit and we agreed on "stripes". Luckily all of our stripes are in similar shades so it makes a group photo looks cuter ;p
We split up on day three because some of us wants to go to the Supertree Grove / the Avatar Jungle, while the rest of us wants to go eat some Indian food in Little India.
So we split up and we all met again later in the afternoon. I was in the group that went to the Supertree Grove, and boy that place is surely a great photo-op because it seems that every corner makes a beautiful back drop for every photo !
It is one of the places in Singapore that are popular with tourists
because aside from the vast garden and the unique giant "supertree
grove", you can also see the Marina Bay Sands up close from there. Marina Bay Sands is the one that has a "boat" stucked on top of three buildings. I never really like it because for me it seems like a weird architectural form ;p
Presenting a selfie ootd taken in 50 meters high above surface ^o^
Wearing: Striped Top from Stradivarius // Jeggings from Uniqlo
Sandals from Payless // Tokidoki for LeSportSac Bag
Necklace from Forever 21 // Bangle is new (gifted)
That's it for my outfit diary, and below are some left-over photos from the trip...
If you are subscribing to my other blog TIGERLILY'S BOOK then you will read the full details of my trip there because that's where I blogged about all my trips. So if you haven't check out that blog yet, please do so ... :)
See you on my next post!

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