WINNERS of Bioderma Giveaway !
8:02:00 PM
My giveaway in collaboration with Bioderma Indonesia has ended last Sunday, and it's time to announce the winners!
Thank you so much untuk semua yang sudah ikutan giveaway ini. Setelah mengumpulkan semua data participants baik dari blog, twitter, maupun instagram - here are the two winners :
Congratulations to Winda (@wind1403) and Theresia Syanli !!
I have emailed both of you with the winning information.
Untuk yang lain yang belum menang,
make sure you already follow my blog / twitter / instagram (link on right bar) because I will be having another giveaway soon ^_^

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I really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
I will return the favors by checking out and comment back on your blog ^o^