[Outfit Diary] : Mid January
12:43:00 AMToday is my mother's birthday so Happy Birthday Mom!
Anyway, I haven't been doing this kind of post for quite a while so here it goes ...
These are some of the outfit I wore during the past few weeks. I think I'm drawn towards "casual chic" lately. Currently I love loose-fit cutting and relax style clothing. I'm also trying to incorporate items that I haven't-been-using-for-a-long-time into my daily outfit. Example: bags that I seldom use such as the Zucca Fendi handbag that I recently acquired a few months ago but haven't been using much yet. And I'm also trying to use more scarf because I have many scarves that I never used (;p).
This week my style has been pretty much the same, with addition of some comfy sweaters and cardies because it's been raining non-stop these last few days. My shopping wish list include : new T-shirts and scarf. I wanted more casual t-shirts that's fun and lively just like the Mango "Last Casual Tshirt" one above. I also wanted to add some designer scarves into my collection (the vintage route, of course).
So, is there any look you like?
Don't forget to keep it classy!

1 thoughts & comments
great outfits! you have some really nice pieces!!
I really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
I will return the favors by checking out and comment back on your blog ^o^