[Skincare] : OST C20 Original Pure Vitamin C Serum
11:51:00 PM
So when I first started my interest in skincare this was one of my first purchase to add to my skincare routine. I have sensitive combination-oily skin which is why I have dull, uneven skin tone, and blemish-prone skin. So after reading about skincare products I decided that I needed a Vitamin C serum to brighten my complexion and even my skin tone.
Then after browsing and reading some blogs (especially after reading my blogger friend Merry's blog) I finally decided on trying the famous OST C20 Pure Vitamin C Serum.
OST C20 Original Pure Vitamin C Serum is a replenishing facial treatment infused with vitamin C. It is from a Korean brand and it is very popular here especially in South East Asia.
According to the information I gathered, this OST Original Pure Vitamin C20 Serum contains about 6,000mg of 100% Pure Vitamin C. It also contains 20% concentration of L-Ascorbic acid, which maximize its benefits as a natural antioxidant, a natural peeling, and as a powerful product that helps prevent premature signs of aging while it softens and moisturizes your skin.
serum has a thick and heavier texture compared to most other serums that
usually has lighter formula. At first it has clear color but it might
oxidize and changes color into yellow-ish shade which is perfectly
natural (will explain about this later).
It has a slightly orange-ish/citrusy scent but nothing too strong for the nose. Some people said it is sticky but I personally think that the stickiness did not really bug me off. Well it does leave a somewhat sticky residue on
your hands/palm, and it is a little bit sticky on the face, but nothing really bugs me. Trust me, I've
used way more stickier products than this one (;p).
Whenever I use this serum it would sting a little bit on some parts of my face, but it only lasts a few seconds and it's perfectly normal to feel the sting. I use this serum after cleansing and toning (I use ph adjusting toner such as Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner that can normal the ph of skin). The bottle has a dropper system so it makes it easier to use only the amount we need. I
usually apply only 2-3 drops of this serum on to my palms, and then I would
pressed my palm onto the face using just a little bit of pressure. So I
don't just slather it all over my face like a lotion, instead I pat and
press the serum onto the surface of my
skin to make sure it penetrates deeply into the skin.
I then usually
waited for a minimum of half hour or sometimes a full hour (while doing dishes or late night blogging). After that, I usually wipe my face with a refreshing toner +
cotton pad (I use Lush Eau Roma Water sprayed onto a cotton pad) to get
rid of the exfoliation residue of dead skin cells on my face. As I told you above, pure Vitamin C can also act as an exfoliator for our skin so there's no way I'm gonna let
those gunk from exfoliating process sits on my face all night, and that's why I need to wipe down my face with toner after using this serum.
After wiping my face with refreshing toner I then would continue with my next skincare product. Sometimes I add face oil or moisturizer afterwards, but my best combo is to add a Vitamin E such as The Body Shop Vitamin E Overnight Serum-in-Oil because Vitamin C + Vitamin E is a lethal combination to fight free radical damage, as well as a powerful anti oxidant and great for anti aging.
After using it for a couple weeks (usually once every two nights) I do noticed a difference in where my old blemishes starting to fade away real fast. I also noticed that my skin is noticeably brighter and evenly toned. Especially when I combined it with TBS Vitamin E serum I would noticed my skin gets plumped and brighter and looks alive in the morning :)
But due to my moody self, I haven't used this Vit C Serum diligently nowadays so my skin seems to get dull again, or maybe the serum has lost its power after a few months? Well I won't give up and will use this serum diligently again (together with TBS Vit E Serum) so I hope my skin will get brighter again soon.
Anyway, I would still recommend this serum because it's awesome and I do get the nice result after using it diligently for a few weeks along with the added Vit E serum. If you wanna try this you have to commit to use it diligently so you'll get the best result out of it. This serum is recommended to be used only at night because it is sensitive to UV rays, so whenever you use this serum at night you MUST always remember to use sunscreen in the morning after, and days after that. But just to be safe, just wear sunscreen everyday, because you are supposed to anyway, right? ;)
PS: Don't forget to put your C20 Serum in the fridge right after you open it. This product should not meet the sun shine therefore it is packaged in dark bottle and must be stored in cool dark place so it won't oxidized quickly. Although, this serum might changed color because pure Vitamin C ingredient would eventually oxidize.
PPS: Don't use it together with products containing AHA, BHA, Retinol (Vit A) because they are not supposed to go together. So when you are using this OST C20 Serum you might want to skip your AHA, BHA, and Retinol products. Read your ingredients and educate yourself :)
Lemme know if you try!
Have a happy day, gals!

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