7 Days of Sheet Masks (DAY 4) : ETUDE HOUSE "I Need You, Rice!" Sheet Mask
4:22:00 PM
Alrighty, for those of you who are not following, this is DAY 4 of my 7 Days of Sheet Masks series (see Day 1 here, Day 2 here, and Day 3 here). A little refresher to those of you who are new to this blog, a while ago I found my skin was dehydrated, dark and dull after coming off from a beach holiday, so I did a 7 Days of Sheet Masks routine to try to revive it :
As you read above, my skin condition was dehydrated, with darker and dull skin tone, so I picked up 7 sheet masks from my sheet mask pile that was either good for hydrating or brightening and/or balancing skin. My picks were as below (in no particular order) :
1. No:Hj Aqua Soothing Face mask
2. Etude House Korean Strawberry Mask
3. Etude House Pearl Mask
4. Etude House Rice Mask
5. Bio Essence Birds Nest Nutri Collagen & Whitening Mask
6. My Beauty Diary Apple Polyphenol Mask
7. My Beauty Diary Black Pearl Mask
I have reviewed 3 sheet masks already, and today I would like to talk about the sheet mask for Day 4 :
Etude House "I Need You, Rice!" Sheet Mask
What the packaging says : "This sheet mask contains rice extract that brightens up dull and rough skin for smooth and healthy skin".
It's another Korean sheet mask and it uses rice extract as its main ingredients. In Asian countries rice is known as one of brightening properties in skincare, so it's no wonder that I picked this up as one of my 7 days sheet masks routine because my skin was dull and darker due to my beach vacation.
Basically, this is a purifying mask containing white creamy essence that's suppose to brightens up dull rough skin. This one has a subtle scent, but dont worry it's not the kind of scent that would bug you off. The scent is so subtle you almost couldn't smell it.
As for the performance, the sheet mask feels thick when worn on my face and I experienced a tiny bit of "warming" reaction on my skin after a couple minutes of wearing it. But I supposed it's just the ingredients doing its magic because the warming sensation subdued in just a matter of short minutes. So I guess there's nothing to worry about.
In the end, it does brightens up my dull tanned skin (the result of my sunny holiday trip). It gives an overall brightening effect and the result is instant! The ingredients in this sheet mask is simple and I also simply love it.
Happy Sheet-Masking gals!

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