[ Fragrance Diary ] : March 4 - 10, 2019
7:44:00 PM
Another week another Fragrance Diary post :)
Before we start this post I would like you to know that this would be the last Fragrance Diary post in this blog because from now on I would post the Fragrance Diaries series in my perfume blog : Yuri's Perfume Diary (if you haven't check it out please follow me there :).
So let's start, here is my last Fragrance Diary post for this blog :
So let's start, here is my last Fragrance Diary post for this blog :
SOTD -> Scent of the day
SOTE -> Scent of the evening
Monday, March 4
SOTD : -
Too tired to function today because we just got home late in the evening yesterday from out of town, so I spent today mostly resting on my bed. So no #sotd for today.
Tuesday, March 5
SOTE : The Body Shop White Musk
I end up being a little bit unwell, maybe because my body is still tired from last weekend’s trip and I think I caught a flu bug too. Hubby also not feeling well so he didn't go to work today. We both spent the day resting at home and ordered delivery food. So no #sotd for today except for a little spritzes of TBS white musk before I go to sleep (to help me relax).
Wednesday, March 6
SOTD : Davidoff Coolwater
We’re feeling better today. Hubby went to work and I spent the day behind my laptop, catching some late blogging tasks and replying emails. I spritzed on some Davidoff Coolwater to help me get in the mood for catching up works.
Thursday, March 7
SOTD : Abercrombie & Fitch 1st instinct
We planned to go to the cobbler again today, and also to the electricity store, but it was raining hard when we’re about to leave so we had to postponed it. The road was also fully jammed of traffic because of the heavy rain and we don't want to be stucked in the traffic at night anyway. We ended up watching Jumanji 2 at home - which was so good and funny, we really enjoyed it. SOTD was Abercrombie 1st Instinct because I just love the simple scent of fresh soft goodness of it. I’m really thinking of buying the full size bottle now.
Friday, March 8
SOTD : Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay
Hubby is off work today, yay! Finally went to the cobbler and electricity store today. And then we had lunch at Thai Street, a new Thai restaurant in town, followed by 2 hrs of good karaoke! Haha.. I currently love most of the songs from The Greatest Showman on Earth movie. I didn’t know Wolverine could sing that well! Anyway my sotd for the whole afternoon was Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay, and it was the last spritzes of the vial tube. I better get the bigger bottle of this soon.
SOTE : Commodity Gold
Anyway, later in the wee hours of the morning (at around 2am) we went to the Big Bad Wolf Book Bazaar at ICE BSD. It’s an annual 24hrs book bazaar that opens non stop for a week or so, and after midnite is the best time to go if you want to avoid the heavy crowd. Anyway I changed up my perfume and wore Commodity Gold just before we left for the book bazaar. And you know what? Everybody smells good at the book bazaar. I keep on smelling nice perfumes on everybody else around me at the bazaar. I smelled different perfumes but I really enjoyed them all. Am I weird to be enjoying the smell of strangers that stands around me? LOL.
Saturday, March 9
SOTD : Chloe edp
Woke up late today because we just got home at 4:30 am last night from the big bad wolf bazaar. Later in the afternoon we went to our grandma’s graveyard with my mom, then afterwards we had early dinner at Soto Kudus (which brings back childhood memories when my aunt used to take me & her only daughter to eat soto kudus whenever I slept over at their house). I wore Chloe edp today because that’s one of the perfume that would last long on me, from morning til night. It’s defo one of my fave.
Sunday, March 10
SOTD : Abercrombie & Fitch 1st Instinct
Went to my in law’s house today and then we all went out to Alam Sutera for a chinese food lunch, followed with coffee at Starbucks (and a little shopping spree at miniso & cotton on!). Then we also went grocery shopping around late afternoon with my bro & sis in law. I wore Abercrombie & Fitch 1st Instinct again today. I wore it in the morning and forgot to change my perfume when we go out. I usually opted for something stronger whenever I go out and this Abercrombie is rather a soft fresh scent that I think would be too subtle to wear to busy places (such as malls and big supermarkets) because then you won’t even smell your own fragrance. I went home with some shopping bags though! So, still happy .. :) LOL
So that's it for the Fragrance Diary post!
Don't forget to check out the next Fragrance Diary post on my perfume blog : Yuri's Perfume Diary. From now on I will review my perfumes and write everything else about perfumes on that blog, so hopefully.. I'll see you there? :)

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