[Fashion] How to : Mix & Match
8:19:00 PM
Before we get into the actual post, please allow me a short intermezzo first :)
Before we get into the actual post, please allow me a short intermezzo first :)
Soo... berhubung hari ini adalah hari batik nasional jadi ini adalah appreciation post supaya Batik Indonesia makin berjaya :)
Jadi ini adalah ootd yang saya pakai hari ini ..
Jadi ini adalah ootd yang saya pakai hari ini ..
Batiknya itu batik modern, oleh-oleh mama dari Pekalongan, bisa dipakai dua style. Sekalian aja saya kasitau info yang lainnya yang saya pakai disini ya, karena kalau di IG saya suka ditanya detilnya hehe : Jeans nya dari Bennetton, Tas nya Rebecca Minkoff Mini Mac, dan Sendal hak dari Noche :)
Okay, so now let's get into the real post :)
So here is a quick post about an outfit trick that I used to do when I'm bored with the clothes in my wardrobe. I always try to prolong the wear of my clothes and I also like to mix n match them so then I don't have to frequently buying new ones ;)
So one of the trick I have is to find a top in my wardrobe that has cute or unique collar and then combine it with a cardigan to make it look like a blouse. For example : I have this Topshop sleeveless lace top that has a cute rounded peterpan collar adorned with black velvet trimming.
And then I take my plain black button up cardigan from Paul Smith that has a rounded necklace.
Please notice that the collar shape of the top and the cardigan are both rounded so they would make a great combination. You can also combine a V-shaped collared top with a V-shaped button up cardigan. You get what I mean, right? I hope that makes sense :)
Then all you have to do is wear the collared top underneath the button up cardigan and don't forget to button the cardigan all the way up to make the collar stand out even more. This trick would also works better on an ornamented collar + plain colored cardi. It won't work as nice if you have busily patterned collar and cardi (although you can still try it if you like that style ).
The results is like having a totally new blouse that you haven't own before ! :)
Here's another example of the same trick. I have a white blouse from Anne Klein that comes with a built-in tie collar that normally I would just tie up into a bow if I want to go formal (this was one of my office wear). I would also hang the tie loose for a more casual look if I wear it with jeans.
Sorry, the blouse photo above is a little bit washed out because of the bright light from the window. I hope you can see the bow / tie detail on the blouse.
And then I picked up this blue plaid knit button-up cardigan from the Japanese brand Alba Rosa. Both the white blouse and the cardigan have rounded shape collar area.
And here's the result of combining them together :
Looks like a new fresh take on the cardigan !
It actually looks like a nautical style blouse to me :)
Well I hope you can have inspiration from this post and hopefully you would try this tips & tricks at home too, because I really like mixing and matching my clothes so that I can get more wears out of my wardrobe. If you have some tricks up your sleeves too, please let us know in the comment box below!
See you on my next post !
Hugs n Kissies !

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