During my birthday back in August we were still in semi lockdown in Jakarta, and we couldn't travel anywhere even if we want to (pandemic please go away soon!), but it was my birthday and we thought we needed some fresh air and new views to refresh our minds after almost two years being stuck at home and didn't really go anywhere. So...
Hello!How are you? I hope everyone is having good health and happy days..Sooo... I haven't made this kind of outfit post for a while, and I thought maybe it's about time I post them again. I used to have like a "Week of Outfits" series here in this blog, and I don't know why I didn't do that again. Probably because I was...
Hi guys, we're back with another Scarlett Whitening product review!Kalau yang udah follow lama atau baru-baru ini sering baca blog ku pasti udah nggak asing lagi sama brand yang satu ini, karena sering banget aku review disini (karena memang se-suka itu sama brand lokal yang satu ini).Yup, Scarlett ini adalah salah satu brand skincare lokal favoritku. Dan baru-baru ini mereka lagi ngeluarin produk...
Most of you probably have known about Dr Bronner's 18-in-1 ( yes, you read it right, 18 in 1 !) multi purpose soaps and I myself has tried it once before but never actually reviewed it here on the blog. These are liquid soaps made of organic oils and pure castile. They are known for their gentle formula and their multi functional properties in...
Untuk yang suka baca blog ku ini mungkin udah pada tau ya kalo salah satu brand lokal andalanku untuk skincare itu Scarlett Whitening. Nah beberapa hari ini tuh lagi ada kehebohan di IG kalau ada brand lokal yang bakalan kolaborasi bareng artis Korea ternama. Dan ternyata brand lokalnya itu adalah Scarlett guys !Setelah rajin kepo-in IG nya Scarlett (@scarlett_whitening) mereka akhirnya cantumin teaser...
Tau gak sih? Ternyata, kacang bertanggung jawab untuk membuat kulit kamu halus dan kenyal serta memberikan cahaya alami. Gak nyangka banget deh konsumsi kacang bisa sebagus ini buat kulit kita. Tau sendiri kan, kacang itu punya rasa yang renyah dan tentu saja baik untuk kesehatan. Kacang bertanggung jawab untuk membuat kulit kamu halus dan kenyal loh. Kacang dikemas dengan vitamin dan mineral yang...
Hey you ...Today I wanna share you about the things and/or products that I had on my bedside table. But please bear with me if you see old packaging products on the photos because these are actually old photos (;p).I've had these photos for a long time and they've been sitting in my draft folder all this time, but I never had the...