What’s On My Bedside Table
5:19:00 PMHey you ...
Today I wanna share you about the things and/or products that I had on my bedside table. But please bear with me if you see old packaging products on the photos because these are actually old photos (;p).
I've had these photos for a long time and they've been sitting in my draft folder all this time, but I never had the chance to write and upload the post. Heck, even now all the products on my bedside table have changed (hehe) - because it's been months since these photos are taken, so some of the products you see here are gone already - but I think I'm still gonna put up this post because it's been sitting in my draft folder for too long already, and I don't wanna waste them, so here it is ... :)
So these are just an example of what my bedside table usually look like. I mean, the things I put in my bedside table. I put them there for easy access for when I'm already in bed.
I also put products that I normally use before bed time or in the evening. So I put them all there for easy reach.
Okay, I wanted this to be a short post, so without further ado here are the products I usually put in my bedside table :
(from left to right, top to bottom row) :
❤ A pot of small plant.
I wanted to have a small pot of cactus or succulent on my bedside table just to add some freshness. So this is a small terracotta pot of my silver dollar plant that I put on top of my bedside table. But after a few months I realized that the plant didn't really thrive because the sun doesn't really shine on that spot, so I had to move the plant and now currently there's no plant pot whatsoever on my bedside table.
❤ A Scented Diffuser.
I always put a type of scented something on my bedside table, usually ones with a calming scent to help me wind down. So I usually had a couple of scented products there, either a candle, a diffuser, an aromatherapy, or a bed linen spray. This one is a diffuser I got from BayFresh and it got Lavender scented sticks in there.
❤ A tumbler.
I have a bad habit of not drinking many water in a day, especially plain water. So I make it a habit to always put a water bottle or tall tumbler glass on my bedside table to remind me to drink water, especially before bed. Also, sometimes I woke up during the night feeling thirsty, and the tumbler really save me from having to wake up and walk to the kitchen to get water.
❤ A Scented Candle.
This is another option for scented products I had to have in my bedside table. If the diffuser isn't working anymore (because they do lose their scents after several times) then I light this Rose candle as replacement. This rose candle is from Miniso, I got it many years ago when Miniso first opened their store in Indonesia. I wish they carry more candles now 😌
❤ A Decorative item.
This is just a decorative item that I put there just to please the eyes. It is actually a candle holder, like an old vintage style candle holder, but of course I never use it as a candle holder because it is too pretty! Sometimes I use it to contain my ponytail scrunchie.
❤ Missha Premium Aloe Soothing Gel
I ALWAYS had to have this on hands because I found many uses out of it. I just put it on my bedside table for easy access, so my husband would also know where to find it if he needs it. We basically use it for everything. Hubby likes to use it for when there's rash on his skin (because I told him to use aloe vera once and now he is hooked and automatically reaches for this aloe vera gel every time he has rashes on his skin). I also use it for bug bites, itchy skin, flaky legs, and even for hair mask and or face mask after we spent too much time on the beach. It really soothe the skin when your skin feels hot because of the sun. One of the Must-Have products on my list!
❤ Bath & Body Works Sweet Pea Body Lotion
I'm lazy when it comes to using body lotion, because I hate using it hahaha... And that is because we live in the tropics and my air con is not always ON during the day (I only turn it on at night), and I have oily type skin, so whenever I put on body lotion my skin feels sticky all day. I hated the sticky feeling. So I can only use body lotion in the evening before bed when the air con is already On. That way it would not feel sticky on my skin and I can bear with that. Hence, that's why I put my body lotion on my bedside table, so that it would motivate me to put it on in the evening before bed.
❤ Et Home "White Tea & Pear" Gadget Sanitizer.
Don't forget to clean and sanitize your gadgets guys, especially in this pandemic era. Our gadgets especially our mobile phones are a magnet for dirts and germs because we bring it everywhere, right? So I always make sure to have a gadget sanitizer like this one from one of my favorite local brand Et Home. The white tea & pear scent is also a very nice scent. Et home is our favorite brand for home cleaners :)
❤ Candle Bliss Spray & Bye.
This is an insect repellent spray that can be use on your skin so that mosquitoes wouldn't bite you hehe It smells of lemongrass and that is one of the scent that mosquitoes hate 😉 This is a natural product and I always prefer natural products than chemicals. BUT we don't really have mosquitoes here as we live in a high rise building, so I mainly use this to get rid of ants by spraying it on the table and wall surrounding the table, and I also usually bring this when I went to our parents house.
❤ Victoria's Secret Love Spell Body Lotion.
This is just another body lotion that I'm currently trying to use up.
❤ Bio Oil.
I use this to help get rid of scars on my legs (because I always have scars on my legs 😓). I put this on my bedside table so that I won't forget to use it every night before sleep. A routine application of Bio Oil should help with scars on the skin.
❤ Keep Cool Soothe Cooling Foot Spray.
This is for when we had a long walk or when our feet felt really sore, we like to use a foot spray to cool our feet down. So this is one of the products that I always enjoy having in my bedside table. This one I got from Charis and you can also buy it or read the review first on my post here -> New In : Korean Beauty Products.
❤ Makarizo Hair Energy in Ocean Breeze.
This is a hair spray that I put on my bedside table so that I can use this before sleep, because the nice scent helps me relax. I like to be well scented before bed because it helps me wind down before sleep (because I have trouble sleeping), so as you can see there are a few different scented products on my bedside table for this purpose alone 😬
❤ Aromatic Health Stress Relief.
Yet another scented product to help me relax before bed hehe.. I told you I have trouble getting to sleep so I need all the help I can get 😬 A girl needs her beauty sleep, right? hehe.. Anyway, this is just an old aromatherapeutic roll on that I use on my wrists if I can't sleep at night. The scent is relaxing and if I use this a lot on my wrists, neck, temples of my head, and behind my ears I felt like I do get sleepy faster.
❤ Miniso Meeting You Perfume.
The last product on my bedside table is yet another scented product! 😛 This is my go-to perfume for bedtime because the scent really relaxes me and perfect for sleep (yes, I do wear perfume to sleep). Some said that this is a dupe for Bvlgari Petit et Maman perfume which is a perfume for little kids or little babies, so maybe that's why the scent is so soft and tender. I can't part with this one, I always repurchase when I'm out of this perfume.
That's it guys!
Well I was planning this to be a short post but it become longer than I was planning (as always hehe). Okay, well I'll see you when I see ya!
Thanks for still reading my blog 💛💋
Hugs n' Kisses,

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